Save money on your toilet installation and bathroom remodel

on Apr 09, 2018

If you're serious about water conservation AND your budget's bottom line when doing a bathroom remodel, toilet installation, or making any kind of plumbing repair, there are many great ways to save without potentially damaging your toilet and even your entire plumbing system. 

Forget about archaic and damaging methods like, “If it’s yellow, let it mellow… if it’s brown, flush it down…”New toilet installation in a master bathroom remodel in Rochester, MN

Instead, you can save money and improve your current plumbing system by installing a high-efficiency toilet. Not only will the “water efficiency” of a new toilet installation help lower your water bill, but you could potentially get money back on the toilet purchase if you live in Rochester, Minnesota! 

In 2018, the Rochester Public Utilities (RPU) “Conserve & Save” program allows you to recoup some of your expenses through their rebate offers. Their toilet rebates are for “high-efficiency toilets” and “flushometer valve toilets”.

Other 2018 RPU plumbing-related rebates include:

Minnesota Energy also offers a GREAT rebate program that you should check out when doing a bathroom remodel or making any household improvements in Olmstead County and the entire state of Minnesota.

Here’s what their program offers for plumbing in 2018:


If you plan on doing a bathroom remodel or making any kind of significant plumbing improvement, give us a call at 507-254-8680 or email us at before you buy anything.

We can generally get you great prices on fixtures and appliances that will last longer than what you can buy at a big box store. Often, we can get prices that you can’t because of the discounts we receive for buying large quantities from a supplier each year.

We also stand behind the items that WE buy and install. In the long run, when you chose a better quality fixture, even if the upfront cost is a little more, you'll end up saving more money (and time!) because you'll have to replace it less frequently.   

Other questions about your plumbing?

Call Elsmore Plumbing at 507-254-8680 or email us at

For greater peace of mind, hire a professional to get the job done right the first time. Saving a couple hundred dollars isn’t worth exposing your home and family to the risk of a burst pipe or major leak, which can cost you thousands.